Neighborhoods of the City of CarondeletWhile Carondelet is now considered a neighborhood within the City of St. Louis, it can be said to consist of its own neighborhoods. In some cases, these are official designations by the City. Such is the case with Carondelet and Patch. Patch is said by the city to be the area south from Robert west to Alabama and south to the city limits. All the rest of Carondelet is said by the city to be in the Carondelet neighborhood. These designations however do not necessarily reflect Carondelet's history or even present condition. Historically, Carondelet proper runs south from the base of Bellerive Park to Kraus Street and west to 4 or 5 blocks west of I-55. North of this would be the Bellerive Neighborhood which primarily consists of that street alone. South of Carondelet is Stein's Town where the German immigrants originally settled. It runs south to the city limits, and west from the river to I-55 or the River des Peres. The Ivory Triangle could be considered a neightborhood all its own, although with St. Boniface's Parish it is an integral part of Stein's Town. One could also argue that the extreme south end of Broadway just north of the River des Peres is a seperate neighborhood from Stein's Town (in this case one might want to call it Patch). Other areas surrounding Carondelet have a close history with it. Holly Hills is built firmly on what was the Carondelet Commons, and was open ground until the 1920s. The Eastern part of Bevo's Mill (or Morgans Ford) is also built on what was once part of the Carondelet Commons. Both share Carondelet Park as their border with Carondelet.